Establishment of a Unified Standard helps ensure that each caller receives comparable levels of service regardless of the Chief Medical Complaint or the calltaker’s experience. A unified standard also facilitates quality improvement procedures because each dispatcher’s performance is objectively evaluated.
Safe prioritization of Responses enables agencies to triage responses according to the seriousness of the incident and local needs. This process maximizes resource utility while minimizing the potential for emergency medical vehicle collisions and resource depletion.
Certification of Emergency Fire Dispatchers (EFDs) ensures that competent calltakers are taking the community’s emergency calls, building trust in those they serve. Appropriate training always provides the highest level of return when using the MPDS.
Quality Improvement (QI) Procedures measure
individual performance against a defined
standard. QI ensures a high standard of service
for every call regardless of any variable in the
calltaker’s experience.
Reduction of Liability results when agencies work
from a recognized standard of best practices,
prioritize responses, certify calltakers, and maintain
a robust QI program. All of this is available through
the use of FPDS, which provides the most complete
package in liability protection for medical dispatch.
Accredited Center of Excellence recognition
is achieved by maintaining the highest level of
excellence at the dispatch and communication
center operations levels. This accreditation by the
International Academies of Emergency Dispatch is
only given to the very best communication centers
and ensures their communities that they are receiving the best possible emergency services.