Residential and business
Allen County utilizes CodeREDTM by Onsolve to help spread the awareness of critical public safety information to the Residents and Businesses within our jurisdiction
The CodeREDTM automated system is an application that allows for public safety information to be delivered directly to your phone.
The CodeREDTM system will only contact you in times of public safety, you will not receive notifications otherwise.
A detailed recorded message will be delivered, giving you information regarding the incident that is happening within a targeted area within your zone.
Landline phones and cellphones are both capable of receiving notifications via this system
The CodeREDTM application can distribute information to the entire county within minutes.
A text message or email alert may also be selected at registration, if that is your preferred method of contact.
Options are available for hearing-impaired members of the community, including TDD/TTY formats.
Onsolve will only utilize your contact information in times a public safety event has occured or is ongoing within your targeted area.
To register for CodeREDTM emergency notifications, you will need to fill out the form below with your name, physical address, zip code and primary phone numbers. A number of other options are available, including text message and email alerts.